Monday, December 23, 2013

November 2009

When November finally came the girls and I drove their mom to the airport where she boarded a plane to go spend a month away from us.  My girls cried while I tried to maintain my composure.

Within a few days the girls and I had a slid routine.  We woke without issue got dressed and had breakfast as a family.  They called their mom every morning though she did not always answer and when she did it was usually in the fog of a hang-over if not plain drunk.  She was considerably vague with them and me but ultimately I still thought she would come to realize what she was destroying was more valuable than what she was seeking.

None the less as a family of three we were a great team and we did well with the absence of their mom.  We shared Thanksgiving with my mom and sisters and had a wonderful time.  Their mom was scheduled to return the next day and true to her waffling form she called seeking my approval for her to stay longer.  In hindsight I should have just said fine and filed for divorce on the grounds of abandonment.  What I did was read her the riot act and tell her that if she did not return the next day then she should never return.  My girls were having a slumber party and waiting up for the return of their mother.  I could only imagine how heartbroken they would have been.  She returned and told me how horrible I was for placing her children above her friends.  All of her friends hated me for being such an ogre.  She spent the next day on the phone trying to ignore the world around her.  When she wasn't on the phone she had her ipod blaring in her ears and did her best to ignore or annoy anyone who cared to pay attention.

This November was different.  The day after Thanksgiving my daughters celebrated with me and my new bride a start of something wonderful.  I remarried and all I can say is thank you to the woman who left me for setting me free to create a better home for them.  There is still a struggle for my kids but now when they come here I have the blessing from God to be able to show them what love is, how a man should treat a woman, and how a woman should treat a man.  We are forever here a family even when they are far away.

Check back soon for what can only be described as "A Long December"

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