Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little news that is nice to hear - Something to warm the heart and make you smile.

Help for the Looming Energy Workforce ShortageFrom an Unexpected Source — Colorado Energy News

I always like to hear about people who manage to get their Philantropreneurial venture rolling. It sounds like this is one group that is on the ball to make an impact in a couple of areas.

GoodWill Industries of Denver is making a difference in the exploration and production of Oil and Gas as well as the lives of the young students who are able to achieve success in their program.

Two Thumbs Up!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Global oil drilling in deepwater surges while the U.S. goes stale

Oil drilling in deepwater surges despite BP disaster - Jan. 11, 2011

As the article states, the U.S. long a pioneer in so many things has been the single largest producer of oil from deep water operations in the world. We currently produce over 1.5 million barrels a day in our deep water gulf operations and that is with no new permits allowed in nearly a year.

Our administration has a choice to allow us to continue to grow our economic position or to hamstring us back from "Pioneer to Pilgrim". We should be well beyond "Pilgrim" status. We know what our resources are and we know how to get to them and exploit them. We have long been "Pioneers" in so many areas of technology and here we are in the lead on global deep water production and we are about to slide backwards if we aren't careful.

That giant sucking sound you hear when you remove the gas cap from your empty fuel tank will simply be a symptom and nothing more than a blip compared to the vacuum of talent as engineers, geologists and other professionals export their talents to the producing fields around the world.

Tread lightly Obama? NO! Tread deeply! As in 500' or below to keep your country in business. The ponzi scheme of government jobs is soon going to fall apart without some tax revenue generating jobs to back it up. I once thought, "You can't export Oil & Gas production." I never considered that we would even think about quitting in this country.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chevron's $1.4 billion expansion means more jobs - WLOX-TV and - The News for South Mississippi

From an article by Doug Walker, ABC News; a little expansion in our US Production capability means 20 permanent full time jobs in Mississippi.
Chevron's $1.4 billion expansion means more jobs - WLOX-TV and - The News for South Mississippi
This is nice but... In my opinion we still need to get out of the way of the expansion of domestic exploration efforts if we are really going to get away from foreign oil dependency.

The Pendulum Swings

A little report about jobless claims and turnover in the workplace. We have been hearing about the glut of talent out there looking for jobs but quite frankly, I have not seen the numbers of qualified unemployed that the media reports. In fact I have warned a few of my clients that the exact opposite is true and that in order to attract the talent they want they must look at a recruiting mechanism to bring people from their competitors to them.

Now the article is out and apparently the data is in...

Numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that in November, the last month for which data are available, more workers voluntarily left their jobs than were laid off. Some 1.849 million people quit, compared to 1.657 million who were laid off.

Alan Farnham ABC News

For the fourth straight month more people are leaving one company to join another than are being laid off in America.

That not so large talent pool just got a little smaller...