Monday, April 25, 2011

Must be the speculators! Why are fuel prices rising?

Energy in America: EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans -

So our President claims that there are "speculators" driving up the price of fuel in America. Sure that could be right? I mean a bunch of people in some from of Ponzi scheme mindset could buy up a bunch of futures and cause the prices of futures to go up maybe only to sell later and cause the last few people in to purchase wildly over priced and undervalued commodities right?

Doesn't that sound like the sort of business model you are in everyday in your current profession? Well sure if your selling some miracle cure for everything in the latest network marketing model...

YO!!! PRES!!! Gasoline ain't a Ponzi Scheme!

When supply goes down... and it is at your request.

Price goes up... just as you have stated you would like it too.

The only thing left is for an enterprising young capitalist to come in and still make money on the coat-tails of yet another abysmal decision made by the policy makers in this country who are allowing for our own domestic production to fall. We want our domestic hydrocarbon production to go up as well as our use of OTHER Natural Resources (Wind and Solar). We want the use of foreign hydrocarbons to go down. ALWAYS! For some reason I have been witness for my entire life to the propaganda of reducing our dependence on foreign oil while watching the decisions made which only prove to increase our dependence on foreign oil.

When actions are not consistent with the words we hear the only natural conclusion is deception. I no longer care why I am being lied to. I just want it to stop. There is every reason in the world to continue domestic production of hydrocarbons and as a country we are making decisions that jeopardize us in ways that, unfortunately, most can't even comprehend.

This has been a soap box editorial rant from the Hedhntr.